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Simplifies, standardises and streamlines the audit process.

A major initiative to simplify, standardise and streamline how consumer products companies conduct quality audits with their suppliers.

AuditOne™ Initiative

+44 121 817 4000

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The Foundation for Strategic Sourcing (F4SS) whose members include Proctor Gamble, Johnson Johnson, Unilever and L’Oreal, has launched AuditOne™, a major initiative to simplify, standardise and streamline how consumer products companies conduct quality audits with their suppliers.

LRQA is among the few approved AuditOne™ Certification Bodies to deliver supply chain certification services to AuditOne™ standards across its technology platform powered by Greenfence. Greenfence is the first platform technology serving the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) sector and offers LRQA clients unrivalled potential for connectivity, scalability and interoperability of existing databases, schemes and systems across all industry sectors

Benefits of AuditOne™ Certification

The AuditOne™ process benefits the entire supply chain. Through AuditOne™ , brand owner's requirements are aligned through harmonised quality standards, thus reducing the need for unnecessary and duplicate audits. 

AuditOne™ certification offers a streamlined audit process establishing a uniform standard for each category, helping to simplify operations, increase transparency and enhance compliance reporting throughout the FMCG/CPG supply chain. The AuditOne™ platform allows technological advances including the electronic audit entry, auditor verification and compliance dashboards. 

AuditOne™ Standards

The following standards are currently accepted under the AuditOne programme with additional standards under consideration for future acceptance. 



Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

ICH Q7 EMEA 410/01 Rev 2

Good manufacturing practice guide for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Assessment Audit. 

Excipients Basic Chemicals


Joint guide for manufacturing for pharmaceutical excipients. Certificaton Audit. 

Cosmetic Ingredients

EFfCI 2012

Manufacturing of personal care and cosmetic ingredients. Certification Audit. 

ISO 22716

Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices

Primary Packaging Labelling

Primary Packaging and Labelling for Pharmaceuticals & OTC Drugs, Assessment Audit

Packaging & Secondary Packaging

BRC Packaging Standard 

(Issue 5 + AuditOne™ VM Module 9, additional module). Packaging for Cosmetics, Home & Laundry Secondary Packaging for Pharmaceuticals & OTC Drugs. Certification Audit. 

AuditOne™ Process

The AuditOne™ process is simple and can be managed through the AuditOne™ platform. If you are already approved to one of the AuditOne™ standards listed above, and have an AuditOne™ approved Certification Body, you will need to inform them, in advance of your audit, that your certification is now part of the AuditOne™ process.

The process followed includes:

Invitations - Brand owners invite suppliers to set up profiles on the AuditOne™ Platform.

AuditOne™ Platform - Connect with buyers, suppliers and Certification Bodies on a global scale, creating transparency throughout the entire end supply chain.

Audit Requests - Start sharing documents and requirements with your connections. Audit quotes can then be requested from an approved Certification Body, like us, certified to this standard. The quote will be sent to you within 5 days and you can then schedule the audit and pay. The audit date is recorded on the platform and all parties are advised.

Audit Process - The Certification Body conducts the audit and posts it on the platform.

Case Studies
