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Jay Borkland

Rich Baldwin

How can you develop new offshore wind farms when the port infrastructure isn’t in place where and when you need it? The offshore wind industry in the United States is accelerating, but with wind turbine components increasing in size and complex physical constraints in and around some ports, to cost effectively stage such offshore construction, will take both physical improvements and creative problem solving.

Our expert voices in offshore wind will discuss why highly specialised ports with appropriate quaysides, extremely high load bearing capacities, large laydown areas, and specialized vessels, bulkheads and cranes will provide the infrastructure to facilitate the growth of the US offshore wind industry.

You will learn:

  • How much port infrastructure is already in place in the US and how much more needs to be developed?
  • How does the current port situation impact the supply chain?
  • How does the vessel situation impact the ports situation in OSW?
  • How does the new technology impact the port situation?

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