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LRQA confirmed as first CQI-IRCA training provider to offer virtual exams.

LRQA’s CQI-IRCA approved training courses to now include virtual exams

Delegates taking any of LRQA's six CQI-IRCA certified lead auditor virtual classroom training courses can now take their exam online at the end of each module of the course in our 7 session proposition, rather than physically sitting a traditional written examination, as required by all other training providers.

Approved by CQI-IRCA as the first and only provider to offer this service, LRQA's virtual training course examinations support the current preference from thousands of businesses worldwide for online training, due to current travel restrictions and social distancing requirements.

All six CQI-IRCA certified lead auditor courses are delivered over five full days or seven shorter ones, for a range of Standards including:

The two-hour virtual examination is spread over the duration of the training course, with delegates assessed by the examiner, one-to-one, through written and oral questions to test their understanding of the topics covered in the module. Each of the six lead auditor courses will still include an element of daily continual assessment to determine soft skills and attributes, including two graded, written pieces of work separate to the exam.

Stuart Kelly, Global Head of Commercial at LRQA said: “As we continue to see virtual classrooms becoming a more effective way of learning, not only in the current situation, but also as a more convenient and cost-effective way to gain new skills and qualifications, this is a great step forward for our customers. Being able to take the exam in shorter bursts each day will enable the delegate’s learning to be assessed and verified there and then, rather than them having to wait up to 180 days to take a written test in a hotel or other off-site location, meaning more time out of the work environment or even impacting on personal time. With our courses, delegates know at the end of the course whether they’ve passed, rather than potentially waiting another six months.”

Using LRQA's virtual learning technology, each exam session will be recorded to provide evidence, with a short, written transcript produced by the examiner to support any decision on marks awarded.

For more information and to book a course, visit our full range of virtual classroom training courses