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Countdown to GFSC 2018 Tokyo | LRQA UK

Countdown to GFSC 2018 Tokyo; how seafood assurance helps deliver safe food for consumers everywhere.

With the theme for this year’s conference being ‘Safe food for consumers everywhere’ LRQA will be showcasing their range of assurance solutions, which they currently deliver to over 33,000 clients in the food and beverage sector alone.

“Independent assurance underpins safe food,” said Duane Wood, Marketing Director - Management Systems & Inspection Services, LRQA.  “With stakeholder demands for safe, high quality food that’s produced in a sustainable and ethical way driving change and increasing pressure across the supply chain, ensuring your business has the right compliance partner is more important than ever.”

LRQA has built a portfolio of assurance solutions with client’s needs in mind, with many services now underpinned with modern technology to enable real-time reporting for multi-site customers. “Whether it’s audits, training or client specific solutions, we’ve got the skills, global reach and sector specific experience in place to improve organisational performance and help protect our clients’ brands,” summarised Wood.

Building on the campaign theme, LRQA has a new blog series to support their participation at GFSC 2018, the first of which focuses on the value of accredited seafood assurance in driving consumer trust and best practice for aquaculture suppliers.

LRQA will be exhibiting at the 2018 Global Food Safety Conference in Tokyo from 5th - 8thMarch.