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Changes by International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to mandatory documents MD22 and MD5 which control the way Certification Bodies deliver ISO 45001:2018 and OHSMS assessments mean that some organisations will now be re-categorised from Medium to High

Changes by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to mandatory documents MD22 and MD5 which control the way Certification Bodies deliver ISO 45001:2018 and OHSMS assessments mean that some organisations will now be re-categorised from Medium to High-Risk with effect from 7 May 2020. For those businesses, the amount of time taken to complete ISO 45001 and OHSMS audits could increase.

If you are a customer of LRQA impacted by these changes, you will be notified directly with the changes identified.

Frequently asked questions:

What are the documents specifying the changes?
These are the IAF MD5 and IAF MD22 mandatory documents required to be applied by all Certification Bodies.

Which sectors are affected by the changes?

High-risk businesses include those in the following list of sectors:

  • Manufacturing of fibreglass
  • Gas production, storage and distribution
  • Electricity generation and distribution
  • Storage of large quantities of hazardous material
  • Non-metallic processing and products covering ceramics, concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc.
  • Aerospace industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Hazardous and non-hazardous waste processing e.g. incineration
  • Effluent and sewerage processing
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Transport and distribution of dangerous goods by land, air and water
  • Defence activities/crisis management
  • Healthcare/hospitals/veterinary/social works

When will I know if my business activities are high risk and affected by the changes?
All certified clients impacted by the changes will be individually advised before the next assessment visit.

Will additional time be automatically added?
When you receive notification of the audit dates this shall include the amended duration time.

I have my ISO 45001 migration visit in March, will this include the time required as a result of re-categorisation?
Only assessments after the implementation date of the 7th May 2020 shall be assessed to the revised audit time.

Will the duration of surveillance visits change?
The duration of surveillance visits will only change if your risk category changes from medium to high-risk.

Will I need a change to my contract?
Yes, we will issue an amended contract following notification of the changes.

Why should I pay more when I entered into my contract in good faith?
This is a change which LRQA and all other CB’s must implement to continue to offer Accredited Certification for OH & S management systems.

What timescales are involved? By when must the additional time be carried out?
All visits after the 7th May 2020 must be undertaken to the new requirements.