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32nd UKCS Licencing Round- fast track your application | LRQA UK

Ensure your application has a solid technical foundation

Over the last three years LRQA geoscientists have worked with the Oil & Gas Authority (OGA) to produce regional databases and maps relevant to all plays on the UKCS.
The products include:

  • Well tops database consistently interpreted at Group / Formation / Member levels
  • Regional 2D seismic interpretations in all basins on the UKCS
  • Regional depth structure and thickness maps
  • Database of geochemical data
  • Interpretation of shallow seismic anomalies related to active petroleum systems
  • Regional reservoir distribution maps for each play on the UKCS

This experience places LRQA in an ideal position to support you in your assessment of 32nd Round exploration opportunities. We offer:

  • 3D and 2D seismic interpretation for initial screening of structural and stratigraphic trapping
  • Petrophysical analysis for missed pay opportunities
  • Petroleum charge analysis for prospect risking
  • Reservoir parameter mapping
  • Volumetrics and risk analysis
  • Field development options analysis and economic scoping documentation support for applications