This workshop covers the key ingredients of organisational culture, attitude and behaviour, the NEN SCL Standard as well as the need to conduct cultural assessments.
Who should attend?
This workshop is intended for anyone with an interest in organisational culture or representatives of organisations seeking NEN SCL Certification.
Key learning objectives
You will learn about:
- Background and history of the NEN Safety Culture Ladder
- Setup and content of the NEN SCL 2.0 Manual (requirements)
- Setup and content of the NEN SCL Product and audit requirements
- Organisational (safety) culture, key ingredients and assessment
- Attitude, behaviour and the link between
- Leadership and change management
Course preparation
No specific preparation is required for attendance at this workshop, however familiarisation with the NEN SCL requirements are beneficial.
What's included?
- Training materials
- Venue arrangements
Course delivery
- Classroom
- Virtual Classroom (exception)
Course length
1 day