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Collaborating with TWI on a new project.

LRQA and TWI are calling for partners to join a global collaborative project focused on additive manufacturing challenges facing the industrial sector.

We and TWI are calling for partners to join a global collaborative project focused on additive manufacturing challenges facing the industrial sector, which is "Achieving Regulatory and Code Compliance for Additive Manufacturing". It is expected to attract considerable interest from companies worldwide, as its a project which further explores challenges uncovered from LRQA and TWI’s first joint industry project, “Certification of Laser Powder Additive Manufactured Components for Industrial Adoption in the Energy and Offshore Sectors”.

Additive manufacturing, also referred to as 3D printing, has already been widely adopted by the aerospace and medical industries due to its ability to create complex and customised metal parts with not only a high level of precision, but also with reduced weight and high material utilisation.

Even with the current market pressure in the maritime and energy industries, industry players continue to research, plan for and adopt additive manufacturing technologies for the production of metal parts – exploiting benefits such as weight reduction and the ability to print spare parts on demand. 

What remains unexplored is the link between additive manufacturing and compliance with standards and regulations that are often used in safety-critical pieces of equipment, such as the American Petroleum Institute code (API), the American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and Europe’s Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). “Achieving Regulatory and Code Compliance for Additive Manufacturing” will investigate the routes to regulatory compliance of parts selected by project sponsors, and will produce data and assessment criteria for the introduction and acceptance of parts through third-party inspection. This will give them a head start on their competition by receiving technical services and support covering design and manufacturing through to testing and inspection.

This project further involve us and TWI in the growing AM industry. Both companies are members of several working groups on additive manufacturing approaches and standardisations for industrial equipment and both offer services and support to help clients move from initial concepts and research through to manufacturing and in-service implementation. 

The launch meeting and project presentations will be held on Tuesday 24th January 2017 at TWI, Cambridge, United Kingdom and also via tele/video-conference. If you’d like discuss these projects in more detail, or for information about our additive manufacturing services, please get in touch with the TWI team at

For media enquiries find contact details here.