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LRQA supports auditor capacity-building panel at The Coca Cola Company

LRQA recently played a key role in supporting the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA)’s 2023 Annual Meeting of Members and Stakeholders, hosted by The Coca Cola Company over three days.

As part of the agenda, Arta Beikzadeh, LRQA's Assessments Director for Australasia, contributed to the 'Beyond boundaries: Innovation in building auditor capacity' panel.  The discussion aimed to share varied methods employed by organisations to strengthen auditor capacity, providing valuable insights into both successes and challenges.

Moderated by Stephanie Ragan, APSCA’s Director of Code & Compliance, the panel featured industry figures such as Greg Gardner from Arche Advisors, Rajan Kamalanathan from Bureau Veritas, Tobias Gopel from SAC, alongside Arta representing LRQA.

The session delved into the strategies each organisation has employed to bolster auditor capacity, emphasising the need for tailored approaches. The diverse panel, representing firms of varying sizes and operational histories, provided a nuanced perspective on the challenges, ideas, and successes associated with building capacity, particularly through training initiatives.

Arta brought valuable experience to the discussion, sharing insights into LRQA's approach to building auditor capacity and the methods that have yielded positive outcomes. Reflecting on the event, Arta said:

“We were so pleased to support APSCA’s AGM. The panel, in particular, facilitated an exchange of ideas, enabling everyone to learn from both successful and less successful experiences. It’s so important for organisations to reflect on their strategies for building auditor capacity and consider adjustments based on their unique circumstances. Challenges exist across organisations of all sizes, and that fact reinforces the importance of a focus on capacity-building, including training, for sustained success.”LRQA's participation in the event showcased its commitment to industry collaboration and a willingness to share knowledge for the collective advancement of the assurance and risk management sector.

In an industry navigating constant change, events like these offer valuable insights and foster collaboration necessary for positive change. LRQA remains committed to contributing to the ongoing dialogue on innovation in building auditor capacity.

Arta_LRQA_APSCA_2023The Cola Cola company - APSCA 2023

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Watch the panel session 'Beyond boundaries: Innovation in building auditor capacity' from the event

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