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Remote video inspection: A new view into your supply chain.

Sourcing materials and components from unfamiliar suppliers in other parts of the world always involves a level of risk.

msis-isp-2017-nl_manufacturers_day_presentation_350Sourcing materials and components from unfamiliar suppliers in other parts of the world always involves a level of risk. From the equipment they use to the safety procedures they claim to be using, there are several unknowns that can all lead to potentially significant problems for manufacturers who are relying on parts to be delivered on spec and on time, safely.

LRQA is now testing how we can use our global network of experienced surveyors to bring a new level of assurance and risk mitigation to our clients' supply chains. Technology has improved to the point where we can use every day mobile tech to deliver a live view from a shop floor half-way around the world.

We introduced this concept to manufacturing customers in the Netherlands last week, showing how a live feed might look. Our surveyor was live onsite at the Dutch pressure equipment manufacturer Tankbouw Rootselaar, streaming video back to our event. The concept was well-received, with many clients wanting to learn more.

The video streamed from the site can be used to show technical details such as welds, lot numbers, and tests – imagine a live stream of an inspection hold point? Or if you're concerned about your suppliers following their own quality and safety procedures, an LRQA surveyor could live stream a safety tour or vendor audit for you.

Of course, there is more to this concept, beyond supply chain visibility, and LRQA is excited to explore this with our clients. You can view a video of the concept below, and learn more at

Again, thanks to our client Tankbouw Rootselaar, who graciously spared their time and personnel to help us put the concept video and demo together.