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About the event

The PESGB was established in 1964 by a group of like-minded professionals keen to create a community of geoscientists for networking and sharing ideas. Over 50 years on, we have maintained those founding principles. With a membership of over 4500 individuals, active in all six continents, the PESGB community is supported by various Regional Branches and Special Interest Groups. We have established a number of flagship events where professionals network, share technical excellence, and discuss the latest developments. These events include PETEX, PROSPEX and a vast array of field trips, courses, seminars and conferences. As part of our charitable objective we have a growing programme of grants and outreach projects. We have donated over £2m in the last 24 months supporting various educational projects including; school-based education, university support and public engagement, with the aim of raising the profile and impact of geoscience. We have also established a public annual lecture programme designed to promote geology and earth science which has featured speakers including Lord Robert Winston, Sir Tony Robinson, Hugh Dennis, Dallas Campbell and Professor Iain Stewart. In 2017, Professor Kenneth Lacovara headlined our national GEOLiteracy Tour where he delivered his engaging talk ‘Why Dinosaurs Matter’. As we work to promote our industry, PESGB has created partnerships with other professional societies and organisations to share knowledge and support the aspirations of our members.

Additional information

LRQA will sponsor both refreshment breaks per below package information:


  • Exclusive sponsorship of the Refreshment Breaks of Day 1 of PROSPEX 2018 (12th December 2018).
  • Exclusive sponsorship of the Refreshment Breaks of Day 2 of PROSPEX 2018 (13th December 2018).