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The world's first end to end supply chain ESG due diligence platform

EiQ helps you monitor and manage your supply chain ESG risks in real time, enhance your responsible sourcing, and comply with due diligence regulations.

LRQA EiQ Platform

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Transform your responsible sourcing programme with data-driven insight

We help clients navigate the impact of ESG-related legal and regulatory compliance, investor interests and increasing industry expectations. Transparent data and actionable insights are at the core of how we help clients anticipate, mitigate, and manage risk with EiQ, our end-to-end supply chain due diligence platform.

EiQ uses machine learning combined with onsite data and trusted civil society research to empower companies, suppliers, and financial institutions to meet customer, regulator and stakeholder due diligence requirements.

Comprised of Sentinel, Product Risk Ratings, Geography Risk Ratings, Segmentation, Digital Learning and LRQA’s Equivalency (EQ) Process, EiQ defies the “one-size-fits-all” paradigm for responsible sourcing by enabling a tailored risk-based programme aligned with the unique supply chains of each individual business.

Learn more below or contact us today for a demo.

  • Introducing EiQ

    People working in paddy fields

    Find out how EiQ can transform your responsible sourcing programme

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  • What is EiQ Sentinel?

    colourful line graph

    Sentinel is EiQ’s adverse media screening tool.

    Read now
  • EiQ Product Risk Ratings

    Ship in the sea

    Insights based on inherent social during production and delivery of a service.

    Read guide
  • EiQ Geography Risk Ratings

    Women working in a textile factory

    Geography Risk Ratings score countries and provinces on their inherent risks in relation to supply chain sourcing.

    Find out more
  • EiQ Segmentation

    People working in a textile factory

    Provides supplier base risk profile view.

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  • EiQ Equivalency (EQ) Process

    People working in an agricultural facility

    Aligning industry scheme audit protocols with internal programmes.

    View guide
  • EiQ Digital Learning

    Person typing on a laptop

    The digital home of supply chain sustainability training.

    Learn more

Interested in finding out how EiQ can help your organisation?

Request a demo