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Lean Six Sigma Full Certified Green Belt.

tools and techniques of process improvement within a structured methodology

+971 4 526 4930

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Lean Six Sigma Full Certified Green Belt training teaches the tools and techniques of process improvement within a structured methodology.

Delegates share their experiences of application as the training proceeds and they leave with an understanding of the importance of appropriate team processes in achieving and maintaining the improvements.

This two module program teaches the best process improvement, Lean and Six Sigma tools/methods and their application using our powerful Improvement Cycle. Suitable for anyone looking to generate business improvements in areas such as customer satisfaction, service delivery, cost control, process performance, new product introduction to name but a few. Understanding why and how things vary is at the heart of our approach; empowering you to make informed decisions when tackling change.

You will learn...

  • Understand your role in leading and supporting Lean, Six Sigma, process improvement, variability reduction and standardization
  • Apply the approach with individuals and cross-functional teams in the workplace and improvement projects
  • Challenge the current practices across the organisation to create sustainable change
  • Understand advanced Lean to remove waste from your processes
  • Understand tools for displaying, analyzing and reducing variation
  • Start developing your personal learning in leading, participating and supporting process improvement and be aware of some wider issues in your organisation.

Course length

To complete the course and gain certification, trainees should under go the course in 2 phases:

Introduction Webcast

After Completing The Webcast:

  • Select a Project
  • Create Project Charter
  • Complete e-Learning: Essential Tools: Flowcharts & SIPOC.

Week 1: Class Room (5 Days) covers:

  • Principles Of Improvement
  • Defining A Process
  • Customers & Measures
  • Voice Of The Process
  • Lock In The Improvements

After completing Week 1:

  • Lead Own Project
  • Complete e-Learning: Essential Tools: Standardization, DPMO, Mistake Proofing, Advanced
  • Flowcharts & SIPOC

Week 2: Class Room (5 Days) covers:

  • Review And Vsm
  • Investigating Waste Investigating Variation
  • Developing Solutions
  • Implementation

After completing week 2:

  • Lead Own Project

E-exam Online

After the course you will go through a 30 multiple choice questions-exam in 1 hour.

Arrange Project Status Call

Focused projects are the engines of all improvement programs. Ideally they should be selected as a result of analysis of the whole system, in the context of the strategic goals and current vital issues. Each project should be supported by a senior management sponsor, and they should lead the selection of the project team. The sponsor (or champion) should oversee the implementation of the project, helping the Green Belt to overcome organisational barriers and keeping open the communication with the steering team and other projects.


If you are looking for a course for four or more people, you may find our in-house option more cost-effective. Contact the team for a quote.