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Innovation MS Lead Auditor based on ISO 56002:2019.

Innovation Management System

+971 4 526 4930

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You need this course if...

  • You are working with compliance team/department
  • You are Individual tasked with building or managing an innovation practice
  • You are Leader and Manager who wants to foster a creative and innovative environment in their teams and organizations.
  • You are Individual tasked with building innovation strategies
  • You are Individual tasked with service delivery, process enhancement and stakeholders’ happiness.
  • You are interested in Idea management

You will learn …

  • Part 1: this part will introduce the candidate to a general introduction to innovation management, global innovation index, UAE and innovation and related topics such, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, machine learning, and future foresight.
  • Part 2: in this part, the candidates will be introduced in depth to the standard requirements, you will be introduced how to understand the standard clauses and how to meet its requirements, and what evidences and documents will be suitable to support the implementation of the Innovation System at the organisation. This part will be supported by individual and group assignments
  • Part 3: in this part, the candidates will be introduced to the audit part, and how to run an audit internally and externally with the support of decision making of the level of the non-conformities and finally introduced to the skills of writing report of non-conformities. This part of training will be concluded by a comprehensive exam that covers the knowledge of candidate of the standard requirement and acquired knowledge of NCR decision making.

You will need to…

  • Collaborate with your classmates on working on the group exercises
  • Work on individual reading assignments and in class assignments
  • Attend 100% of the course
  • Pass the course exam

Your future development...

  • You will be able to be part of any innovation team within your organization equipped with sufficient knowledge to be an active member of the team
  • You can go further on achieving certification on internal auditor of Innovation Management Systems
  • You will be able to start on more of reading extra material and articles on innovation topics

Course length

5 days.