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Introduction to Kaizen.

eliminate waste, solve problems and make gradual but sustainable improvements

+971 4 526 4930

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  • Kaizen 5S is organized around sorting, setting in order, shining/sweeping things, standardizing, and sustaining good housekeeping practices. 5S stands for five Japanese terms (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke).
  • 5S focuses on the development of competencies and it is based on the idea of “Kaizen” or continuous improvement of making small changes routinely, sustaining and incrementing them over a long period of time and improving the performance.

You will learn...

  • Participation of all collaborators in improving and transforming the organization in small, every day, incremental steps that do not lose effectiveness over time.
  • Kaizen is one of the most effective techniques to improve engagement and culture within a company.

Your future development...

  • Kaizen Course on 5S
  • Value Stream Mapping

Course length

2 days


If you are looking for a course for four or more people, you may find our in-house option more cost-effective. Contact the team for a quote.