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ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Transition.

CQI & IRCA certified training course number: 17942

Environmental Management System (EMS)

+971 4 526 4930

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This course is for Environmental Management System (EMS) Auditors or Lead Auditors who want to upgrade their knowledge in line with ISO 14001:2015. Gain a detailed understanding of the changes in the revised standard, how they may impact an organisation, and how to audit the new and changed requirements effectively.

You need this if...

  • You are a second or third party environmental management systems auditor wishing to build on your existing external auditing experience.
  • You are a second or third party environmental management systems auditor wanting to learn about ISO 14001:2015 and how the revisions to this standard affect you.
  • You are a second or third party auditor working for an organization that is certified to ISO 14001 and is transitioning to the 2015 revision of the standard.
  • You are an IRCA registered auditor seeking re-registration to IRCA’s ISO 14001:2015 auditor certification scheme.

You will learn...

  • The structure of a generic management system based on Annex SL and the implications of this from an audit perspective.
  • The requirements for understanding the organization and its context and how they may be audited.
  • The new and enhanced requirements for leadership and how they may be audited.
  • The requirements for determining and addressing risks and opportunities and how they may be audited.
  • The new requirements concerning process thinking and how they may be audited.
  • How to adapt your auditing technique to accommodate the new and amended requirements in ISO 14001:2015.

Your future development

  • ISO 14001:2015 Awareness Briefing
  • Preparing for ISO 14001:2015 - Workshop
  • ISO 14001:2015 Update Workshop
  • ISO 14001:2015 for Internal Auditors
  • Business Improvement courses.

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If you are looking for a course for four or more people, you may find our in-house option more cost-effective. Contact the team for a quote.