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U.S. forced labour laws - challenges for international trade


In response to increasingly stringent media scrutiny and regulatory enforcement against alleged forced labour in the global supply chains, companies must evaluate their risk mitigation capabilities and identify opportunities for improvement. 

Too many companies are still making what LRQA refers to as the “low hanging fruit” error: maintaining a watch-and-wait posture due to the belief that it will take years for CBP to target anyone but the most “obvious violators.” LRQA is advising companies that this assumption will prove costly — stepped-up enforcement of forced labour regulations, particularly the UFLPA, is imminent and companies relying on high-risk geographies and opaque vendors for sourcing needs are on a tight timeline to mitigate risks in their supply chains.  

Main areas of discussion

  • An in-depth discussion of the frameworks used by U.S. Customs & Border Protection to identify and enforce allegations of forced labour in the supply chain
  • A discussion of direct solutions to these challenges, starting with end-to-end supply chain risk assessments, investigative focus on risky suppliers and regions, and preparation for engagement with government officials 
  • Share findings and insights from LRQA field experience and case studies

LRQA has extensive experience in assessing companies’ vulnerability to forced labour enforcement and guiding them through the process of implementing their preparations for a forced labour allegation or responding to U.S. Government inquiries. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experts. 


Shawn Harwood, Expert Advisor, LRQA

Shawn joined LRQA directly from his previous role as the Country Attaché in mainland China for the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). He served in China for more than six years, fostering productive relationships with China’s Ministry of Public Security and General Administration of China Customs. His time there included directing the China-based implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, as well as groundbreaking fentanyl and counterfeit pharmaceutical trafficking investigations.

Marcela Romero, Regional Director, LATAM Consulting, LRQA

Marcela has 20 years of experience across various industries leading the design and implementation of sustainability strategies and responsible sourcing and due diligence programs for regional and international companies. This includes a wide experience leading human rights related projects, including human rights due diligence frameworks, human rights risks assessments, forced labour investigations, and development programs in LATAM. She's currently supporting LRQA clients to prevent and respond to CBP WROs.