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WindEurope Global Wind Summit

Four days and four themes at the world’s largest wind energy event.

About the event

As part of the Global Wind Summit, the WindEurope Conference will host more than 50 conference sessions by 250 experts. Each day of the conference will be organised around a distinct theme, highlighting the different ways in which wind energy is breaking new ground today.

The four themes are:

  • Day One: Electrictrification and sector-coupling
  • Day Two: Digital wind & new technologies
  • Day Three: The wind industry in a merchant environment
  • Day Four: New markets, new frontiers: the long-term outlook

LRQA contributors

Dr Mark Spring - From Screen to Scream.

Dr Qadir Singapore Wala - Seasonal evaluation of WRF wind farm parametrization scheme performance in a large offshore wind farm.

David Pullinger, Tim Crutchley, Matthew Zhang & Nathan Hill - A global study in the cutting edge for long-term reference data for wind resource assessment.

David Pullinger, Tim Crutchley, Matthew Zhang & Nathan Hill - Learning from the machine: techniques and statistical algorithms for cleaning and interrogating wind turbine SCADA data.