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Shipping 2030

About the event

Shipping 2030 will focus on harnessing technology, creating cost efficiency and mitigating risk in relation to digital disruption trends and pressures. 

You will hear the latest on new opportunities around data capture, the challenges to mitigate through analysis and practical solutions to drive vessel operational efficiency. 

LRQA will be engaged in the key agenda session 'Harnessing big data'. In this unique format, shipowners are able to anonymously submit a challenge they face in regards to big data and this will be used as a basis for discussion. Key topics and proposed solutions include the best data to capture, organise, analyse and utilised to drive vessel performance. Other considerations include transparency amongst stakeholders for data sharing to enhance productivity.

LRQA's Dr. Maurizio Pilu PhD MBA FIET, Vice President, Digital Innovation,  will be on the panel for the workshop 'Harnessing big data for the shipping industry'.

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