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2017 API Inspection Summit.

About the event

Visit with LRQA at the 2017 API Inspection Summit

LRQA applies its expert knowledge and independence to help clients and regulators design, construct and operate their capital intensive assets and businesses to their highest levels of safety, performance and reliability. 

We draw on over 250 years of fresh thinking and technical expertise to respond to new oil and gas challenges, while retaining our commitment to independence, integrity and always doing the right thing. 

Join representatives from our Houston office to find out how we’re maximising asset efficiency, from concept to decommissioning. 

Presentations for the 2017 API Inspection Summit

January 31 

  • RBI - Real-Time Turnaround Management 
    Guy Bogar, Holly Frontier LRQA

    Recommended presentation from Holly Frontier

  • Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicle ROAV/UAV Inspections for Oil and Gas Industry 

    Jamie Davidson, LRQA Americas, Inc.

  • Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking in Lean Amine Service – How likely is it?

    Huang Lin, LRQA

February 1 

  • Integrity Operating Windows – Lesson’s Learned and Common Questions
    Vishal Lagad, LRQA Energy Americas, Inc.

  • Challenges and Successes with Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs)  

    Monica Plowman, HollyFrontier & Vishal Laga, LRQA Energy Americas, Inc.

About the API Inspection Summit  

The API Inspection Summit was designed with you in mind. This four-day summit includes three days of presentations spanning over 120 topics. Addressing issues involved in asset condition evaluation for drilling, production systems, pipelines, terminals, refining, chemical manufacturing and storage facilities. In addition, an optional day of  training is conducted by subject matter experts. Each day focuses on presentations relevant to upstream, midstream, downstream operation and integrity management. API Inspection Summit provides an opportunity to learn about new and existing industry codes and standards, to hear about emerging trends from experts, and to discuss new and existing issues in inspection and AIM technology. 

The API Inspection Summit is the only networking event for inspectors and other inspection support professionals in the industry. As stated by attendees, “The API Inspection Summit is the best inspection related conference in the petroleum industry”.

Learn more about the API Inspection Summit