Who should attend?
- you want an understanding of ISO 45001 and related OH&S standards, and OH&S
management systems & want to be an internal OH&S management systems auditor
What will you learn?
- the purpose of management systems standards and the scope of ISO 45001
- the common structure for management systems standards and the content of ISO 45001
- the approaches that underpin 45001 including:
• the process approach
• the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
• risk based thinking - the requirements from ISO 45001 and explain how these requirements could be met
- how to apply ISO 45001 requirements to operational processes and explain their
interrelationship - the role management systems and internal audits play in helping business manage their
OH&S risks - an overview of the OH&S management system standard ISO 45001
- the roles and responsibilities of an internal OH&S management systems auditor
- how to plan your audits by developing effective checklists
- how to carry out your audits using LR’s 6 Stage Approach
- to gather objective evidence through observation, interviewing and sampling of
documents - to evaluate audit findings and determine conformity, nonconformity and effectiveness
- to report findings accurately
- what corrective action is and who is responsible for taking action
- how to follow up and verify the effectiveness of corrective action taken
What do you need to prepare?
- No previous auditing experience.
- It is recommended that prior to this course attendees complete the ISO 14001
Appreciation and Interpretation course.
Your future development
- New Environmental Systems Manager
- EMS Auditor/Lead Auditor
- Tutored Audits (coached live audit at your company)
- See our Business Improvement courses
Course Duration
- Three days