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serviços de inspeção

Garantia independente em que pode confiar.

A nossa imparcialidade significa que obtém a garantia de que os seus produtos cumprem os requisitos exigidos pelos seus clientes.

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Reduce risk, ensure quality and meet regulatory requirements with LRQA.

Throughout the supply chain, safety should never be compromised, whether you design products, deliver projects or implement processes. We have a range of inspection services against international codes, standards and training courses that are designed to help you minimise the risk that comes with competing in today’s global marketplace and ensure you meet both customer standards and industry and government regulations.

Our inspectors and trainers are industry experts who work with you to understand your business while staying in tune with the wider inspection industry. We offer you our commitment to inspection excellence, which means protecting your assets and your brand reputation as if they were our own.


Com quem trabalhamos

Ajudamos empresas dos mais variados setores a avançar e a obter resultados nunca antes vistos. Como podemos ajudá-lo?

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