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QMS Management Briefing.


+62 21 5096 7548

Minta penawaran

You need this course if...

  • You are thinking of pursuing ISO 9001 certification
  • You want to raise your awareness and understanding of ISO 9001 and how it links to effective business control and performance
  • You want to re-invigorate your QMS.

You will learn...

  • About the 8 key principles that underpin ISO 9001
  • About the purpose of a QMS
  • Why the objectives are so important
  • The difference between procedure and process
  • How process effectiveness links to business performance
  • About the responsibilities imposed on the management team by ISO 9001
  • Why the management review process is so important
  • The business benefits to be gained from an effectively deployed QMS.

You will need...

No previous experience or training in quality or ISO 9001 is required.

Course length...

One day.

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Dengan LRQA, Anda dapat mengakses berbagai macam kursus untuk membantu Anda memajukan karier Anda dan membawa perbaikan pada sistem manajemen di organisasi Anda. Dengan banyaknya gaya belajar yang dapat dipilih, kursus pelatihan kami dapat membantu Anda berkembang dan mencapai level berikutnya.  Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang Kursus Pelatihan dari LRQA. 


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