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To report on greenhouse gas emission, energy use and energy production.

NGER Audit


In 2007 Australia introduced a single, national framework for corporations to report on greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and energy production. National greenhouse and energy audits determine if registered corporations are complying with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act).The focus of the audits revolve around:

  • the registered corporation’s structure, operational control, and facilities
  • the identification and measurement of emissions sources, energy consumption, and production point
  • the accuracy, completeness and validity of reported greenhouse and energy data, including recordkeeping requirements, or
  • more generally, the effectiveness of internal controls associated with data collection and reporting processes that support the collection or calculation of reported emissions and energy data.

Need help with NGER Audit?

NGER reports are applicable to registered corporations. To understand if your corporation meets the NGER threshold and must register and then report each year.

Why work with us?

Our unique methodology, LRQA Business Assurance, helps organisations manage their systems and risks to improve and protect their current and future performance.

LRQA is at the leading edge of GHG verification services across a range of sectors and schemes world-wide. Which places LRQA in a prime position to share experience and expertise to help clients manage their GHG data gathering, monitoring and reporting and gain robust third party verifications of their assertions.

LRQA have experience of validation and verification within both voluntary mechanisms such as ISO 14064 and the Japanese Voluntary Emissions Trading Scheme and regulated schemes at a national level such as the UK Emissions Trading Scheme, at regional level such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and at international level such as the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation. LRQA also have experience within other relevant areas of corporate report verification, including Corporate Sustainability and/or Environmental Reports.

Contact us for more information.

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