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The Rise of Significant Injuries and Fatalities: What Needs to Change?

The Health & Safety Leadership Series is an informative series of live webinars featuring a panel of influential and experienced industry experts in occupational health and safety from around the world.

During this on-demand webinar, LRQA is partnering with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and businesses from the energy and waste sectors to discuss the topic of the ‘Rise of Significant Injuries and Fatalities’ in the workplace. Our expert panel shares their views and answer questions from the audience.

Duration: 1hour followed by 15min Q&A

  • Introduction
  • What is measured gets managed
    • Are we measuring the wrong things?
    • If not lost time, what are good indicators?
    • Leading indicators vs. precursors
  • Accidents occur within a context
    • The changing nature of risk within organizations
    • How can organizations ensure their risk management aligns to the changing nature of their risk profile?
  • Dormant risks that people become accustomed and normalized to
    • How do we get people to recognize the major risks that they see all-day at work?
    • How could we better train workers to recognize changes?
  • Summary and takeaways
  • Q&A


  • James Pomeroy, Group HSES Director, LRQA
  • Duncan Spencer, Head of Advice and Practice, IOSH
  • Paul Wright, Group Health & Safety Director, Biffa
  • Cynthia E. Vodopivec, VP - Environmental, Health & Safety, Vistra Energy